I'll be completely honest and say to you that whatever I am posting on here are usually my opinions and peculiar events. Some of them are probably my secrets and I'm just letting them all out on here.
So yeah, reason why I decided to create my own blog. *thinks*
-I guess the reason is because I want to let it all out on here as I've mentioned earlier.
To those who don't know me.. You probably know me better than my friends since I don't normally share my secrets and life story.
To those who know me.. hahah HI! well yeah, time for you to actually know the real me.
I am sure you will be fucking surprised with what you are about to read..
Why is my blog domain name 'complicatedshit'
-I have loads of reasons like
1) This special person in my life calls me complicated shit (we both don't even remember how the whole 'complicatedshit and fart' started)
2) How life can be such a pain in the ass, one complicated shit.
3) My favorite swear word is 'shit'.
What will I be posting on here.
-random shit
alright so im miks.. yeah call me that..ASIAN 15.. I am a girl.. most people on the internet don't notice that about me when they first talk to me because of the way I converse. OKAY enough bullshit.. I am f .. I am gay.. gay and happy.. hope that explains everything.. hahahah :O what a surprise! oh fuck yes! and i'm happily in love..
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